Wednesday, May 12, 2010

cleaning grams house

As i was cleaning grams house earlier today, i realized... there is SO much beauty all around and i've never stopped to notice. so today, i did. i noticed the porcelain tea set...i noticed the table lamp with the fringe meag and i used to get in trouble for playing with...i noticed the grand piano with the floral piano bench...i noticed the happiness that family brings...i noticed this beautiful ballerina that great grandma made for grandma...
and i noticed how ridiculous meagan looks next to lily... haha


  1. what a good attitude! I love looking for beauty. :)

    You, lady, are a delight.

  2. what the heck? WHYYYY do they even have that picture?? I'm giving them a new one.

    but I LOVE all the pretty things in their house. And that lamp has always been so great.

  3. can you puhlease steal some of these items for our pleasure?

  4. aaww you cleaned your grandma's house? thats so sweet of you

  5. OH! I love this so much. I should probably just be a grandma already, considering how much I love grandma stuff.
